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How to get a landline number on mobile

A landline number on your mobile? Landline number without a landline

As an ambitious entrepreneur, you don't want to miss a single lead. And therefore not a single caller. But the busier you get, the harder it is to make that happen. After all, you can't 'chain' yourself to the landline. And working purely with a mobile number? That solves the problem, but looks a lot less professional. The solution? A local phone number from Belfabriek. You decide on which number ('final destination') to call. And yes, that can also be your mobile. And so you have a landline number without a landline.

Regardless of the number that customers call: we deliver calls wherever you want. On your smartphone, for example. On a colleague's mobile. At your home. Or at a call center. This means that with a number from Belfabriek you kill two birds with one stone: the professional look and feel of a 'normal' number goes hand in hand with the flexibility of a cell phone. What's more, with our app you decide where calls are received

More options

All our numbers come with free options that help you handle phone traffic in a customer-oriented way. Think of a professional welcome message, a queue, a notification of your opening hours, and so on. You can also record conversations. Useful, for example, if you receive a call in the car and are unable to process orders or contact details immediately. You then receive these conversations as an audio file by e-mail. No missed opportunity.

Testing is believing

Sounds like the thirty-third sales pitch you've heard this week? We get it! And so we'd much rather let you discover how it works for yourself. Complete your number request today and we'll make sure your number is dialable within one business day. And we will transfer it to your mobile. So you can experience for yourself how good and easy it works. Convinced? Call us and we will set up the number with the options that are important for your business and customers.

Activate number, create team, start receiving calls within 10 minutes!

Fill out the form below and your phone number will be available immediately.

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