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Telephone numbers for the healthcare sector

  • Emergency numbers live within 3 hours

  • All medics on standby in 1 telephone pool

  • Flexible switching of telephone services

Ideal solutions for healthcare

As far as we are concerned, good care is a fundamental right. And we like to cherish the people who provide it. But despite our love for the medical profession, we have come across some strange things in our 20-year history. Fortunately not in the medical field, but when it comes to telephony. We have come across many cumbersome telephone exchanges under the tables of GPs that sigh, squeak and creak as they do their work. Or not at all.

Telephone numbers for healthcare ? Go for IVR!

Fortunately, such situations can be solved quickly, well and cheaply. Important, because a doctor should always be available. Full stop. Our IVR platform is a bullet proof solution. Even if a terrible virus breaks out, causing the telephone to be red-hot, there will be no capacity problems. Callers will be kept on hold by our IVR platform. Or they are put through to an emergency team. Moreover, we can implement choice menus (emergency or not?) and it is easy to change the destination of the number (or have it changed). With a Belfabriek IVR you are always reachable.

Our standard solution for a doctor's office consists of:

  • A queue that only becomes active when there are more callers than can be transferred. So if it is quiet, the caller is not put on hold.

  • A welcome text: "Welcome to the medical practice of Doctor Greenwood".

  • Advanced call queues, choice menus, voice recording?

  • A selection menu: "Press 1 for urgent matters, press 2 to write a repeat prescription, press 3 to make an appointment with the doctor.

At (1) we redirect to the emergency number or mobile number of the doctor (depending on your preference).

At (2) the caller can record the prescription. The recording is sent as an attachment (sound file) by e-mail. Or delivered as a voice e-mail. The assistant can listen to the files and take immediate action. Without having to speak to callers, which saves a lot of time.

In (3) the call is delivered to the 'normal' number.

Sounds ideal? Within 3 hours you can use it yourself !

Frequently asked questions:

We have 23 years' experience in healthcare telephony. We provide and specialise in many emergency and urgent numbers for healthcare organisations.

No. Our healthcare numbers are virtual numbers. Incoming calls are routed to staff's existing phones. These can be made available or unavailable via a dedicated web page. There is no need to invest in new business telephony or cloud telephony. We assume that mobile or fixed phones are already in use.

Practice has shown that rosters and links do not work well together for a perfect solution that emergency numbers require. That is why we have developed a special website where employees can easily indicate in real time whether they are on duty or not. It works better and easier. For example, if someone goes to lunch, they may be on the digital roster as available. On our website, they can easily switch to unavailable.

We take care of this for remote care organisations. Tell us what the caller needs to hear and how we need to route calls and we will provide the phone number with these requirements within a few hours.

Yes, this telephony solution works for pharmacies, doctors, veterinarians, transplant lines, corona numbers and any other provider in the healthcare market.

There is a major emergency going on and I expect a lot of phone traffic.

We can route calls to anyone in the department, practice or hospital who has a mobile or landline phone. With our solution, we can set up a virtual call centre with hundreds of agents on the same day if needed. If there are not enough in-house staff, we can also transfer (part of) the call traffic to external call centres. Or put them on hold using a queue. All of these functions can be continuously adjusted and changed according to incoming call traffic and the time of day or day.

Some Happy Belfabriek telephony customers: