Register your European telephone number online!

Call us:🌍 +31 (0)85 400 5588

How does the ordering procedure work?

At the Belfabriek, you will find an overview of all available phone numbers on our website. This overview is updated daily and is therefore always current.

You can also search within our number stores for a number you prefer, including name numbers. This way, you can instantly see whether, for example, that easy-to-remember number with your organisation's name or slogan is still available!

Find available numbers and name numbers

Once you have found a song, simply add it to your cart by clicking on the song itself or on the green cart icon.

If you are ready to register your chosen number, click the blue "I want to register now" button.

In the next screen, your shopping cart, you will see an overview of the numbers you have selected.

To complete the registration of your number(s), you need to complete 2 more simple steps.

Click on the blue "Apply" button at the bottom of your cart and fill in your details on the next page.

On the last page, you will see a summary of your order. If everything is correct, you can sign directly online. Click on "Send request" to complete the ordering process.

Within minutes, you will receive an e-mail from us with a PDF attachment. This is the receipt of your order.

The activation

After your number has been registered, it still needs to be activated and connected. We also take care of this for you.

In doing so, we ensure that your number is connected entirely according to your requirements, so that all calls are delivered perfectly from day one.

Some Happy Belfabriek telephony customers: