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VOIP provider: the best business VOIP provider

Published in Voice over IP

VoIP calling is becoming an increasingly attractive way to use business telephony. With VoIP telephony, calls are made over the internet and there are many options and phone features available such as landline to mobile, dial menus and call recording. VoIP stands for Voice Over IP and finding a VoIP provider is becoming increasingly common. VoIP has been around for many years and has grown exponentially in popularity in recent years as more and more businesses see the added value and benefits of this form of telephony. By 2023, even the old telephone networks such as ISDN will no longer work and you will be using a VoIP provider for your telephony. But what is a good VoIP provider or even: who is the best VoIP provider?

Number of VoIP providers

The number of VoIP providers is uncountable. It ranges from sole traders to large companies that are not only VoIP providers but also build your network and offer hosting. It is a free, open market and anyone can start as a VoIP provider. So there are a lot of tech enthusiasts who offer services locally as VoIP providers and provide telephony services.

This is because VoIP telephony is nothing more than setting up a voice channel over the Internet. So there is no more need for a technician to come and install a fixed telephone connection over which the telephony goes.

So what makes a good VoIP provider?

To understand this, we need to go back to the early days. Back then, there were only a few telephone companies, so few that there was no need to register. So what made this development possible? The answer is: VoIP!

Anyone can send voice over the Internet, which is what VoIP stands for. We have also seen that anyone can become a VoIP provider. Just fill in a PDF, register as a public telecoms provider and you're in business. Yeah, but wait, what about the technology? You can buy that too. It's a bit like drop shipping on the internet. You order something from one internet shop and you think they have the product and they ship it, and then it comes from a completely different department store!

This is how it works. There are a number of parties that have developed a telephony platform on which partners can create VoIP accounts. This allows them to buy VoIP ports and VoIP features and resell them. You don't really know who you're dealing with, you just know that you're dealing with a VoIP service provider.

Of course, there is a lot of chaff out there, and unfortunately we cannot help you choose. There are a lot of good ones and not so good ones. Some disappear after a while (note: you are then simply unreachable, the telecom authority does not pay attention to this), and on the Internet a lot of VoIP providers pretend to be bigger than they are (up to 11,000 customers! etcetera). In this sense, it is a case of fake it till you make it!

In our view, a good VoIP provider is one that:

1. has its own interconnection to the telephony network

2. has its own developed telephony platform

We have developed our own VoIP platform, including our own VoIP stack, so everything is in-house and we are completely independent. This allows us to respond quickly to VoIP developments and be the best VoIP provider for you now and in the future. Other VoIP providers depend on the platform you choose and whether that platform supports the new VoIP service. And when, and at what price. This is a major disadvantage of being a VoIP reseller. They also don't really know what's coming, what they can offer and whether what they offer will make them the best VoIP provider at that time.

Then comes point 3. what we think makes someone the best VoIP provider.

3. A good VoIP provider does not have a partner channel. And deals directly with all customers.

You may not have thought about it, but a VoIP provider that works with partners has two interests: end customers and partners. And the partners, in particular, need to be kept happy anyway. Of course, it is said that partners give the VoIP provider input into the market and thus add value (apart from the sales they bring in), but what you end up with is a VoIP provider building a platform that can do everything and is so large that it has become a huge job to keep it stable. There is also always the risk that the VoIP provider's partner will eventually switch to a competing VoIP platform that either does more or is cheaper. Do you want to be stuck with such a VoIP provider or are you already feeling the pinch?

You may also feel that the real needs of the customer are not very important to such a VoIP provider or platform: it is all about numbers, purchase prices and keeping partners happy.
We don't work with partners. Of course we have VoIP providers or parties that recommend us, but we send them a thank you note. We are a direct writer, we only deal directly with the end customer. That's the best way anyway. (You know this model from the insurance world, where some insurers also only work directly).

If you look at point 3, there are only about 10 providers left. We are one of those 10. So if you are looking for the best VoIP provider, you now know what to look for in a VoIP provider:
You want

1. a VoIP provider that has its own interconnection with the telephone network in the Netherlands

2. a VoIP provider that has developed its own telephony platform, and

3. A good VoIP provider does not have a partner channel. And only deals directly with all customers.

If this sounds like you, then choose us as your VoIP provider! Another important thing to consider is price and features. Many VoIP providers have packages based on a price per user of 15-18 euros per month. This is also to keep the partner happy. We can work a bit sharper and charge 10-15 Euros per month per user. With the bigger packages you get all the features and we don't have to worry about changes or paying X amount per module (again you see the advantage of our own platform, we don't have to buy or pay anything). The difference in price goes to the end user, our customer. This is how we make the best VoIP together!

What is also important when researching VoIP providers and the different VoIP solutions is how is it delivered and what features do I have?

By now you have probably figured out that we can do it all. We now have perfect solutions for home workers, small businesses that want very flexible switching and also for large businesses. In fact, what is unique in this market is that we can bring our platform into the customer's data centre and build something customised for that customer. Very few VoIP providers can do that. So you see, you could be on the trail of the best VoIP provider! That's why we've been around for so long and don't need another sales channel!

Best All-in-one Total Package

At Belfabriek, you get customised service and the best VoIP solution for your business!

Belfabriek is happy to explore the options with you and advise you on the best telephony solution for your unique business. There are some differences within the various Belfabriek packages.

At Belfabriek you do not just buy a telephone number, you buy a complete package. These packages include all options for selection menus, call recording functions and various transfer options. By using Belfabriek's VoIP services, you are choosing quality, better service and the opportunity to save on telecom costs!

Most complete set of features

We think these are important features that belong on a phone number by default. With us, they are therefore all included in your subscription !

Other phone number providers charge extra for this software. For instance, you pay extra for a recorded welcome text, a drop-down menu and a call queue. Each of these features can then cost an extra 10 to 75 euros per month. Why would you do that? We have now written all the features and have them in our library, we can activate them for you if that makes you choose us!

Why more and more organisations are choosing Belfabriek

Belfabriek's benefits:

- Complete all-in-one phone system: business phone, software for computer or mobile phone, comprehensive web portal, fixed-to-mobile capability and easy-to-use apps (iPhone, Android);

- All features such as call recording, dialling and queuing are included;

- No new hardware or phones needed;

- All phone numbers registered directly and easily: e.g. Germany, UK, USA.

- Own telephony VoIP interconnect, own telephony VoIP platform. Active and independent since 2000. Business customers rate our customer service and technical VoIP solutions with a 9.

Frequently asked questions:

This depends on the number of users. We already have a package starting at 9.95.

No, it can't be. Even though it is over the Internet, VoIP platforms and VoIP channels are still needed.

VoIP is just as reliable as your internet connection. If your internet connection is working and your online PBX is accessible, VoIP will work. We also have a backup on your mobile phone so you can always receive incoming calls. We think this is the best VoIP solution.

A SIP account is an account on an online VoIP telephone exchange to which your VoIP device logs in. In other words, a user account.

As long as it is a VoIP/SIP/IP device, yes. These terms are used interchangeably, so if you see one of these terms on your phone, it is compatible with your VoIP provider.

Voice over IP is nothing more than sending voice over the internet using a voice protocol called Voice over IP. Just like you have a video protocol and a Skype protocol.

A VoIP phone or a regular mobile phone, a phone number and, if you want, another account on a VoIP PBX with a VoIP provider.

A provider that has its own interconnection to the telephone network in the Netherlands 2. A provider that has its own developed telephony platform and 3. A provider without a partner channel. One that deals directly with all customers.

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